10,000 Questions
Text installation in a school building

10,000 Questions – text installation in a secondary school
Installation in the staircases of the Johann Gottfried Herder secondary school in Berlin-Lichtenberg with selected questions by the students, Berlin 2016
Percent for Art, first prize
Acrylic paint, each color bar 100 x 230 cm
Acrylic paint, each color bar 100 x 230 cm
Students of the secondary school have been invited to participate in the art project: They submitted apx. 750 questions of which 112 were selected for the art work. 14 colored bars with eight open questions each are painted on the walls of the school building.
A selction of this collection
Is chance really fortuitous? How did man end up in the world? Why should I tidy up my room when it eventually gets dirty again? What is a soul? Am I beautiful? What can we do against climate change? When do we have made the right decission? How come we do not all think the same way? What do blind people dream about? What is knowledge? Why are we different? How am I supposed to know what I want? Who invented language? Why am I the way I am? Where does the universe end? Who decides which cat food tastes best? What happens after death? How free am I? Why do we smile when we are happy?