Every Word a Winner!
Poster installation with six Protonyms

Every Word A Winner!
Installation with 468 posters on which six protonyms have been printed. The posters were rehung once a day during the exhibition.
“play/use”, Witte de With, Rotterdam 2000
“play/use”, Witte de With, Rotterdam 2000
Offset, acrylic glass/vinyl, 6 installation units, H 1350 x B 840 mm each
Today SWOKS - tomorrow MIPSEL, today MIPSEL - tomorrow ONOMONO, today ONOMONO - tomorrow YEMMELS ... a total of six protonyms from The Word Company were presented in poster-form (DIN A1) on the walls. The order of the posters was accidentally but without direct repetition and was then adopted for all the other stacks.
Every day the posters were rotated in six different positions within the exhibition: tomorrow's word moved into today's spot. After 78 exhibition days, the 468 posters have been all rehung. When there were no more posters for tomorrow, the exhibition was over.
“play/use”, ➚ Witte de With