Das neue Wort

The New Word—Magazine for New Words
in Surfing Systems, Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel 1996
Vol. 1 / June 20, 1996
Top secret!
The newest words looked up exclusively for you!
Protonyms for everyone
Wording made easy
How many zeros are there in a word?
The world’s ten most expensive words
Words last forever…
A hundred words to please your partner
How to tell a word without a meaning
Vol. 2 / June 27, 1996
The fight for words
Ban on import of suffixes from the Far East
A cellar full of words
Sensational find: Unused words of yesteryear
Words – available everywhere
Ten useful tips for collectors
How slogans have changed the world
Why we need new words
Vol. 3 / July 4, 1996
No luck at word games?
The truth about the riddle syndrome
Journey to the center of the dictionary
Key words from Central Africa
Verbal exchange
Ten new words tested in common usage
Words on the couch
Words in the practice of psychoanalysis
A word’s real achievements
Vol. 4 / July 11, 1996
Relax and enjoy foreign words
Le passwort, s’il vous plaît – the new Eurowords
My word belongs to me!
Life sentence for plagiarism?
Maxima culpa
This year’s ten best slips of the tongue
Beauty and the words
New words from the world of fashion
How long do words keep?
Vol. 5 / July 18, 1996
Child labor in the word factory
When three-year-olds invent new words
Magic words
Find your own personal word type
The calculated word
Wordmakers: the ten most important programs at a glance
Caution: cheap words
Experts warn of word pedlars
How many words do we really need?
Vol. 6 / July 25, 1996
When words wear black…
Words that suddenly mean nothing to us any more
Legal tricks
Accusations in the mirror of the dictionary
Where do new words come from?
International wordsmith competition
Super – do-it-yourself words
500 letters, prefixes, and suffixes to cut out and collect
How to get rid of old words?