Die Reise
A poem in 42 strophes
The Journey
A poem in 42 strophes read by a computer generated voice
veer zookhen ine hotel / ikh mur'khte ine tsimmer mit frooshtook / vas kostet es foor ineen takh / ikh mur'khte dry nekhte blyben ...
»Fershtayen zee mikh?« – Based on an English phrase book for trips to Germany “Die Reise” (the journey) has been published in 1988 as a book in combination with a tape cassette on which the text is read by a language simulation program for English.
veer zookhen ine hotel / ikh mur'khte ine tsimmer mit frooshtook / vas kostet es foor ineen takh / ikh mur'khte dry nekhte blyben ...
»Fershtayen zee mikh?« – Based on an English phrase book for trips to Germany “Die Reise” (the journey) has been published in 1988 as a book in combination with a tape cassette on which the text is read by a language simulation program for English.